Fishing lure expenses can add up very quickly. Especially when you lose them to head shakes from fish or casting for distance. In the video below we will show you how to keep your Neko bait on the hook and save lots of $$$ by incorporating these simple hacks. The basic items we use to rig the Neko include our Button Heads, ZMan Big TRD, Roboworm, Heat Shrink, Silicone Tubing or GeoCrack Neko Hacks(Medium), Owner Sniper Drop Shot Hooks 2/0, Gel Super Glue, Neko Pliers, and a lighter.
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Marty, I have a couple of questions for you. What size of heat shrink are you using?
After preparing some of these Nekos. I forgot that the plastic do not mix well with other plastic, Plano boxes etc. How do I store these for use later? Do you put them back in the same bag of worms you got them in?